Junta de Andalucía

Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento

Programa Talentia



Each person is allowed to submit one application only.

It is very important to be aware that an individual researcher cannot benefit, at the same time, from more than one EU funding action.

In order to be eligible, applications must be completed, including all requested information, documents and references and be presented before the deadline.

Reasons for exclusion:

- Incomplete application

- Failure to meet eligibility conditions

- Submission of more than one proposal by the same applicant

There is no template to follow for the CV (European format recommended) and proposal. The content is reflected in the Application Form.

The application may be completed preferably in English or Spanish.

Application Form

Form for Claims/Acceptence/Redraft and Submision of documents 

Annex III   Admission / Invitation

Annex IV   Commitment Letter

Annex V Model Agreement

Agents of the Andalusian Knowledge System:

Host institutions must be research organisations as defined in article 2.2.d) of the Community Framework for State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation (2006/C 323/01), which means an entity, such as university or research institute, irrespective of its legal status (organised under public or private law) or way of financing, whose primary goal is to conduct fundamental research, industrial research or experimental development and to disseminate their results by way of teaching, publication or technology transfer; all profits are reinvested in these activities, the dissemination of their results or teaching; undertakings that can exert influence upon such an entity, in the quality of, for example, shareholders or members, shall enjoy no preferential access to the research capacities of such an entity or to the research results generated by it.

Knowledge Generation Agents



© Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento - Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad

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