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The Guadiamar River is, to this day, brimming with life. To speak of the "Green Corridor" is to speak of the River of Princes, as the Moors called it: Wadi-Amar.

This is the last major tributary of the Guadalquivir before it reaches the sea, and its source is in the village of Castillo de las Guardas, in the Sierra Morena Mountains. There, amongst holm oaks, it prepares for its journey southward, beginning in areas of Mediterranean mountain landscapes and pastureland. Further on it enters areas of cereal crops and olive groves close to the Aljarafe cornice, and little by little it approaches the marshlands of Doñana through sandy areas and pine woods.

Covering more than 60 kilometres, the signposted Guadiamar trail The Guadiamar cycle-touring route runs for more than 70 kilometres and shows you the variety and diversity of the river's middle and lower sections. This route can also be done on horseback or on foot. In the middle section, the river runs through the Aljarafe countryside, passing villages such as Gerena and Huévar, where you can see Roman baths and Medieval churches. The black kite and Montagu's harrier nest in this part of the route.

Further down, close to the village of Aznalcázar, the riverine forest is ever more luxuriant. The Guadiamar Visitor Centre is also in the town. . This village is also home to the Guadiamar Visitor Centre and El Buitrago Botanical Garden. The start of the route in the latter of these has marks on the trees that show the levels reached by mud after the Aznalcóllar mine disaster in 1998. This was one of the worst environmental disasters in Spain, and brought about the protection of this eco-corridor that now links Sierra Morena and Doñana, allowing for the interchange of species between the two areas.

In its lower section, meanwhile, the nearby wetlands and rice fields are ideal for a great diversity of bird life that you can see in the Dehesa de Abajo and La Cañada de los Pájaros Concerted Nature Reserves . The final kilometres of the river run through Entremuros. This area has also been restored and offers a variety of flora and fauna.

  • Provinces Sevilla
  • Icono Municipios
    Municipalities Aznalcazar, Aznalcollar, Benacazon, Huevar, Olivares, Sanlúcar La Mayor, Villamanrique De La Condesa
  • Icono Superficie
    Total area 2.706,80 ha.
  • Icono Calendario
    Declaration Date 26 - April - 2003


Kayaking the “River of Princes”, as the Arabs called it, is a fantastic way to explore the protected landscape of the Guadiamar Green Corridor. This activity combines the fun of kayaking with the discovery of flora and fauna along the riverside, as well as a means of learning about its cultural heritage.

Hiking is also possible, with interesting routes such as the Buitrago Botanical trail, which leads you past a plethora of natural species on the riverbanks; and the longer Del Guadiamar trail which runs parallel around both sides of the river. You will mostly come across riverine forests, grazing land, and magnificent examples of reforestation.

Cycling is another good way to explore this protected area, in a way that is respectful of the environment. Alternatively, you can take a ride a “carriola rociera” (horse drawn wagon) and visit some of the most famous areas of the well-known Rocío pilgrimage.

You can also try your hand at archery and climbing (man-made climbing wall), or attend an environmental workshops, amongst many other activities, all available at the Visitor Centre.

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Go to our visitor centres, information points and ecomuseums to get the most out of your visit.

Go to our visitor centres, information points and ecomuseums to get the most out of your visit.

Follow the recommendations and comply with the regulations at all times

Follow the recommendations and comply with the regulations at all times

Respect the facilities put at your disposal. We all pay for its maintenance.

Respect the facilities put at your disposal. We all pay for its maintenance.

Help prevent fires. Do not throw cigarettes or any other object that produces combustion.

Help prevent fires. Do not throw cigarettes or any other object that produces combustion.

Trash doesn't come back alone. Take it with you to the nearest container. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Trash doesn't come back alone. Take it with you to the nearest container. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Noise is another form of pollution. In silence you will enjoy your experience more.

Noise is another form of pollution. In silence you will enjoy your experience more.

Live respectfully with the locals and other users. Respect private property.

Live respectfully with the locals and other users. Respect private property.

Facilitate use for people with special needs.

Facilitate use for people with special needs.

By consuming local products and counting on local companies, you will contribute to rural development.

By consuming local products and counting on local companies, you will contribute to rural development.

Practice responsible tourism and committed to the environment. Be a true ecotourist!

Practice responsible tourism and committed to the environment. Be a true ecotourist!

Never leave your pet in the wild. It would endanger the flora and fauna of the place.

Never leave your pet in the wild. It would endanger the flora and fauna of the place.

Get around in a sustainable way: public transport, bicycle, on foot, electric or shared vehicle ... Park in the designated places

Get around in a sustainable way: public transport, bicycle, on foot, electric or shared vehicle ... Park in the designated places

Do not leave a trace of your passage through nature. The best memory you can take with you is your own photograph.

Do not leave a trace of your passage through nature. The best memory you can take with you is your own photograph.

Your safety is our concern, but it is your responsibility.

Your safety is our concern, but it is your responsibility.

The conservation of natural spaces is also in your hands. Thank you for your collaboration!

The conservation of natural spaces is also in your hands. Thank you for your collaboration!



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  • Saturday, 21 September 2024
    • WIND SPEED 0km/h
  • Sunday
    Intervalos nubosos con lluvia escasa
    28° max.
    15° min.
    • WIND SPEED 10km/h
    • CHANCE OF RAIN 55%
  • Monday
    Poco nuboso
    28° max.
    14° min.
    • WIND SPEED 10km/h
  • Tuesday
    Intervalos nubosos
    29° max.
    13° min.
    • WIND SPEED 10km/h
    • CHANCE OF RAIN 15%

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