Come to visit the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Geopark

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(Spanish version)

A fundamental objective of geoparks is the promotion of geotourism as a socioeconomic alternative to classic sun and beach tourism, taking into account the geological richness of space as its main attraction.

The most emblematic project undertaken from the geopark is the Casa de Los Volcanes, the first specific center in Andalusia aimed at interpreting the geological features of the territory. Place of welcome to the visitor and dissemination of knowledge about the geological origins of the area as a means to get to understand the reality of the geography that makes up the space.

Through its 16 trails for public use, which pass through most of its 33 geosites we can discover the fossil beaches of Las Amoladeras on the path of El Pocico-Las Marinas, the volcanic cliffs of the path of La Vela Blanca, as it was life before on the path of Requena, the culture of Wind and Water on the path of Cortijo del Fraile-Montano-Hornillo and fossil coral reefs on the path of La Molata. The trails are accompanied by numerous interpretive panels that reveal the secret of the geology of Cabo de Gata.

In addition, the visitor can visit the geopark through its georuts, astronomical routes, under the sea and in workshops and activities on geology, or discovering the enormous archaeological or historical mining heritage hand in hand with geotourism professionals.
We can not forget that in the geopark there are still craft activities such as esparto craft and pottery that are distributed and sold and take with us a few gifts.

The natural park and geopark  Cabo de Gata-Níjar is included in the initiative Natural Park Brand, a quality brand promoted by the Ministry of Environment of Andalusia, which offers to the business community an open door to new: promotion channels, distribution, marketing and sale of certain products or services of the Andalusian natural parks. Cabo de Gata-Níjar is adhere to European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, an initiative of the Europarc Federation, as it is a space committed to the development of sustainable tourism.