ETIQUETA 'fotography'

Miguel Azuaga

Sevilla. From 19 Feb to 17 Apr 2016

'Towards the Other' combines the Romantic figure of the traveller with the harsh reality of the immigrant, from the most picturesque Alpine peak to the rust-stained industrial parks of Switzerland and its soulless railway stations.

Martínez Bellido

Sevilla. From 20 Nov to 31 Jan 2016

The artist Martínez Bellido will present the exhi­bition entitled “Niebla” [Blur].The two series included in his exhibition are: Inquisiciones [Inquisitions] ( 54 graphite pencil drawings) and Indisposiciones [Disinclinations] (9 photographs). They talk about the memory.

Erika Pardo Skoug • Violeta Niebla • Florencia Rojas • Rocío Verdejo • Silvia Álvarez

Málaga. From 03 Jul to 31 Aug 2014

Mermaids (in ancient Greek, Σειρήν Seirến, ‘chained’, perhaps related to the Sanskrit Kimera, ‘chimera’) are mythical creatures, originating in Greek mythology and are very common in fantastic narrations of western literature.

Eugenio Rivas

Córdoba. From 08 May to 04 Jul 2014

The different projects that make up ‘Just Animals’ propose that we think about the human condition. We use animal diversity and the power of the fable as binders of folk wisdom, and powerful tools to delve into the social and cultural nuances that determine man.

José Jurado

Córdoba. From 29 Sep to 29 Nov 2015

This exhibition retrieves the historic Spanish Golden Age and its still lifes to re-contextualise them in the 21st century, the "Cash for Gold" Age. Traces of what remains the morning after a massive binge party are photographed from different locations and perspectives across Spain.

Mercedes Pimiento

Sevilla. From 29 Apr to 27 Jun 2014

The title of the exhibition and the label that is used to indicate that, inside a container, there is a fragile and possibly a valuable element that is to be transported from one place to another, which suggests to us concepts related to fragility, care, and even intimacy.

Lola Guerrera

Córdoba. From 23 Sep to 21 Nov 2014

To talk face to face with this concept is to establish a relationship with the essence of a self-absorbed humanity, which does not stop looking for solutions to the essential questions for which there are no answers.

María Reyes

Córdoba. From 20 Feb to 14 Apr 2014

The project is part of addresses concepts linked to domestic life and the obsolescence of objects that condense memory. The imaginary is constructed on the basis of re-reading field work and adding interpretations, using abandonment and ruin as an ideal material support on which to cross time scales.

Ana Barriga

Sevilla. From 19 Dec to 07 Feb 2014

Panel de control. Pintura fragmentada (Control panel. Fragmented painting) is about reviewing the use of fragments in painting. Adapting a non-linear and flexible process that expands the range of artistic possibilities. It applies the laboratory concept of assuming errors and findings as work methods.

Alicia Roy

Málaga. From 24 Apr to 15 Jun 2014

The project was created based on the extreme experience of the artist Alicia Roy with regard to the fire that occurred in August 2012 in the province of Malaga. Her family estate, a place of many memories, encounters and dreams, was burned down.