Javier Valverde

Huelva. From 09 Apr to 20 May 2021

We begin with the initial premise under which two elements – the path and the journey – have been present in all the previous projects, creating a series of works defined by a cross between painting and cinema, or rather a hybridisation of both media, with the latter arising from the discipline of painting in which it is firmly rooted.

Álvaro Albaladejo

Huelva. From 25 Nov to 24 Jan 2021

Midnight after the Desert is situated at the convergence of two intensities, two images on a collision course: the figure of the cactus and ornament, united by their hallucinatory potential.

María Alcaide

Córdoba. From 29 Sep to 26 Nov 2017

bureau désespoir recreates the stylised ruins of a paradigmatic space from the dawn of cognitive capitalism in order to talk about another setting: the spaces of art as places of production, accumulation and exploitation.