ETIQUETA 'woman'

Katarzyna Pacholik

Cádiz. From 14 Dec to 15 Feb 2020

'Towards Nightfall' is Katarzyna Pacholik a response to the issues our postmodern culture faces as a consequence of the omnipresence of new technologies.

Paloma de la Cruz

Córdoba. From 19 Oct to 05 Jan 2020

Paloma de la Cruz expresses the mystery of corporeality, of flesh made representation.

Virginia Rota

Almería. From 27 Apr to 23 Jun 2019

Virginia Rota is one of those rare artists capable of showing us what the old masters are painting today.

Miguel Ángel Benjumea

Sevilla. From 16 Feb to 13 Apr 2019

Miguel Ángel Benjumea’s re-enactment, featuring a solitary woman wandering in a desolate landscape as she insistently repeats phrases from Stein’s libretto.

Irene Sánchez Moreno

Cádiz. From 22 Dec to 23 Feb 2019

The brand of high-mountain landscape art practised by Irene Sánchez belongs less to the realm of the sublime than to the sphere of the emotional, sustained by a thoughtful subjectivity that occasionally borders on the spiritual.

Moreno & Grau

Córdoba. From 19 Dec to 18 Feb 2018

The idea of landscape in Shore to Shore proposes a series of connections of a phenomenological (how and why do the events that define a river come about), materialistic (what are their physical and organic attributes) and telluric order (what mark do they leave on their people).

Julia Llerena

. From 15 Dec to 11 Feb 2018

The work of Julia Llerena is structured on a clear, almost scientific axis of coordinates, like the axes used in physics to represent the relationship between space, time and motion.

Regina Pérez Castillo • Arturo Comas • Álvaro Escalona • Miguel Ángel Benjumea • Fernando G. Méndez

Córdoba. From 10 Nov to 29 Dec 2017

The exhibition is curated by Regina Pérez Castillo with the artists Artuto Comas, Álvaro Escalona, Miguel Ángel Benjumea and Fernando G. Méndez.

Cristina Ramírez

Córdoba. From 30 Jun to 27 Aug 2017

Cristina Ramírez's works take us to the edge of the unknown, to the no-man's land between two worlds. Titled 'Fracture Surface' in space Iniciarte Córdoba.

Leonor Serrano Rivas

Sevilla. From 22 Dec to 26 Feb 2017

The exhibition 'Recurrent Patterns' of Leonor Serrano Rivas in Sala Santa Inés of Seville.