What is the Biobank?
The PHSA Biobank was established by an initiative of the Ministry of Health and Families which is part of a strategic approach taken by the Junta de Andalucía to optimize therapeutic procedures for patients and to promote biomedical research. Furthermore, the protection of the rights of citizens who are donors of samples and/or data that used in healthcare and research is ensured. The Biobank is a platform which supports research that is specialized in the collection, processing, and storage of human biological samples and their associated data. The Biobank subsequently makes these samples and their associated data available to the scientific community, thus providing a public service that addresses the needs of researchers.
The Biobank is an organisation that is committed to public service, ethics, and respect for the donor. Simultaneously, we are called to provide quality service, transparency, collaboration, and sharing towards the biomedical scientific community.
The Biobank’s mission is to promote biomedical research by facilitating the work of researchers, the participation of citizens in its operations, and the sustainability of the Public Health System of Andalusia by establishing a value chain.
To have in place a modern, adaptable, competitive, and effective organisation that is capable of responding to any requirement and expectation in the field of biomedicine, thereby becoming a national and international benchmark for the quality and efficiency in the service that we provide.
The Biobank has a single, decentralized organizational structure, a common ethical-legal and administrative framework, and a quality assurance system that covers the whole organisation. The SSPA Biobank includes all of the tissue banks for therapeutic purposes; the centres for Transfusion Medicine, Tissue, and Cells; research biobanks; the banks of cell lines; and any space within the SSPA that is dedicated to the collection, treatment, conservation, and transfer of human biological samples and/or associated data, both for healthcare use and for research.
Learn about our centres
Click on each province to access the complete list of existing centres in each province of Andalusia.