Mail, specialized courier, or e-mail

To register in the Donor Registry, please download and complete the following form.

  • The Informed Consent Form stating that the donor wishes to be part of the Andalusian Registry of Donors of Samples for Research and (B) Form for the Authorization of the Processing of Personal Data for inclusion in the database of Donors of Samples for Biomedical Research in Andalusia. (These forms are available in(Spanish and English)

This information can also be requested by telephone at: 958 894 669.

Once the forms have been completed, they must be sent to the Biobank by email or by a courier company that is specialized in handling personal data. The Biobank can facilitate the delivery of these forms.

Once the documentation has been received at the Biobank, you will be informed and registered in the Donor Registry. Sometime later, you will receive a card that accredits you as a Sample Donor for Biomedical Research. The card will include your identification code

tarjeta donante

For more information or questions about becoming a registered donor, please contact us..