Miguel Ángel Benjumea

Sevilla. From 16 Feb to 13 Apr 2019

Miguel Ángel Benjumea’s re-enactment, featuring a solitary woman wandering in a desolate landscape as she insistently repeats phrases from Stein’s libretto.

Jose Iglesias Gª-Arenal

Córdoba. From 26 May to 29 Jul 2018

Jose Iglesias Gª-Arenal presents a series of sculptural pieces that work as spatial models.

Arturo Comas

Sevilla. From 25 May to 29 Jul 2018

In the work of Arturo Comas we find a series of operable mechanisms, objects the author activates while inviting us, the spectators, to imagine that we are also participating in that action. However, Comas’s devices possess the nonsensical quality of uselessness, and some even lead us to project all our fears and frustrations on them.

Regina Pérez Castillo • Arturo Comas • Álvaro Escalona • Miguel Ángel Benjumea • Fernando G. Méndez

Córdoba. From 10 Nov to 29 Dec 2017

The exhibition is curated by Regina Pérez Castillo with the artists Artuto Comas, Álvaro Escalona, Miguel Ángel Benjumea and Fernando G. Méndez.

Javier Artero

Sevilla. From 23 Sep to 19 Nov 2017

LOOPS AT A SPOOL. Continuation Ceremony is an installation project that uses allegory as a discursive strategy applied to objects, light and sounds taken from the landscape. Thus, a flagpole divested of its flag is presented as the central axis of the space, crowned by a gold finial.

Miguel Ángel Melgares

Córdoba. From 03 Jun to 29 Jul 2017

For Orbit, Miguel Ángel Melgares has devised an exhibition structure that is a cross between sculptural installation and set design or theatrical staging.

Nano Orte

Córdoba. From 21 Apr to 11 Jun 2017

'The whims of flow. BODY' is a site-specific installation that merges two separate disciplines: visual arts and oriental feng shui philosophy.

Manuel Prados

Sevilla. From 01 Apr to 28 May 2017

The artist explores the presence of the obsidian mirror in art history, from the Spanish conquest of Mexico to the present day, observing how its legend has inspired prominent artists and permeated popular culture in our time.

Efrén Calderón

Córdoba. From 18 Jan to 25 Feb 2017

Efrén Calderón is an artist who immerses us in the world of graffiti that comes with his project 'Home'.

Alejandro Ginés

Córdoba. From 14 Oct to 18 Dec 2016

Alexander, with his work, sends a message, which tells of the difficulty of human beings to find a place in the world, bearing in mind the political and historical reality we live in, and makes us reflect on the craft of the artist in a complex context as is the today.